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How To Open Multiple Tabs or Windows

Within the CHAMP software, you can open multiple tabs or windows to access different areas of the software so that you don’t have to navigate away from what you’re working on. For example, you can have a tab open for your Agenda and a tab open for the Media, which you can then easily toggle between the two.

Two Step Process

This is a two-step process. Open the window/tab you want. In the new tab you’ll start with where you are and then navigate to where you want to go. Below is a quick video to illustrate.

Video Walkthrough

How To

Some folks prefer tabs, others prefer windows but the process is the same so you can choose whichever you like. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Log into your CHAMP account
  2. Right-click the navigation item you wish to open.
    This can be the main top navigation or the sub-navigation located on the left
  3. Select “Open in new tab” or “Open in new window”
    This will open either a new tab or window with the same location as where you started
  4. Left-click the navigation item you wish to go to
    You will now have two tabs/windows that you can switch between
Updated on August 19, 2024

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